♣ 음악 감상실 ♣/[交響曲(Symphony)] 297

Benjamin Godard : Symphonie gothique in A minor Op. 23 (ca. 1874)

Benjamin Louis Paul Godard (18 August 1849 – 10 January 1895) was a French violinist and Romantic-era composer of Jewish extraction,[1] best known for his opera Jocelyn. Godard composed eight operas, five symphonies, two piano and two violin concertos, string quartets, sonatas for violin and piano, piano pieces and etudes, and more than a hundred songs. He died at the age of 45 in Cannes (Alpes-..

Louis Glass:교향곡 전곡(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 번)

Louis Christian August Glass (23 March 1864 – 22 January 1936)[1] was a Danish composer. Glass, born in Copenhagen, was almost an exact contemporary of Carl Nielsen and, like Nielsen, was a student of Niels Gade. However, Glass also studied at the Brussels Conservatory, where he became enamored of the music of César Franck and Anton Bruckner, both of whom stylistically influenced his writing. Fo..

Charles Gounod: Symphony No.1, 2

[Gounod in 1860 soon after his greatest success, Faust] Charles Gounod Charles-François Gounod (/ɡuːˈnoʊ/; French: [ʃaʁl fʁɑ̃swa ɡuno]; 17 June 1818 – 18 October 1893), usually known as Charles Gounod, was a French composer. He wrote twelve operas, of which the most popular has always been Faust (1859); his Roméo et Juliette (1867) also remains in the international repertory. He composed a large..

Edouard Lalo: Symphony in G minor(1885/86)

Édouard Lalo in 1891(engraving by Richard Paraire) (27 January 1823 – 22 April 1892) was a French composer.Easily his most celebrated piece is his Symphonie espagnole, a popular work in the standard repertoire for violin and orchestra. 〈스페인 교향곡 Symphonie espagnole〉과 명료한 관현악법으로 유명하다. 스페인계 군인집안에서 태어나 1839년 무일푼으로 파리로 가서 파리 음악원에서 프랑수아 아브네크에게 바이올린을 배웠고, J. 쉴로프와 크레브쾨르에게 작곡 개인교수를 받았다. 1848년 첫 작품을 출판했고,..

Peter Benoit - Symphonic Poem for Flute and Orchestra, Op. 43a (1865)

Peter Benoit (17 August 1834 – 8 March 1901), was a Flemish composer of Belgian nationality. 옛 플랑드르 악파 음악을 새롭게 부각시켰다. 브뤼셀 음악원에서 공부했고, 1857년 로마 대상을 탔다. 독일을 여행하고 1861년 프랑스로 가서 부프파리장 극장에서 지휘자로 활동했다. 1863 벨기에로 돌아와 소설가 헨드리크 콘시엔스의 영향을 받아 플랑드르 민족음악을 열렬히 주창하게 되었으며, 수많은 글과 팜플렛으로 플랑드르 음악을 전파했다. 1867년 안트웨르펜에서 플랑드르 음악원(1899년 왕립음악원으로 승격됨)을 설립하여 죽을 때까지 운영했다. 작품으로는 안트웨르펜의 역사적 사건을 바탕으로 한 〈루벤스 칸타타 Rubens-cantata..

Bernhard Henrik Crusell - Sinfonia Concertante in B-flat major for clarinet, horn and bassoon, Op.3 (1816)

Bernhard Henrik Crusell Bernhard Crusell Bernhard Henrik Crusell (15 October 1775 – 28 July 1838) was a Swedish-Finnish clarinetist, composer and translator, "the most significant and internationally best-known Finnish-born classical composer and indeed, — the outstanding Finnish composer before Sibelius. Sinfonia Concertante in B-flat major for clarinet, horn and bassoon, Op.3 (1816) Mov.I: All..

Louis Théodore Gouvy - Symphony No.4, 5, 6

Théodore Gouvy Louis Théodore Gouvy. (3 July 1819 – 21 April 1898) was a French/German composer. Symphony No.4 in D-minor, Op.25 (1855) Mov.I: Allegro Mov.II: Scherzo: Allegro vivace Mov.III: Intermezzo: Larghetto Mov.IV: Finale: Allegro con brio Orchestra: Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern Conductor: Jacques Mercier Symphony Nº 5 in B flat Major Op. 30 Deustche Radio Philha..

Louis Théodore Gouvy – Symphony No.1, 2, 3

Louis Théodore Gouvy. (3 July 1819 – 21 April 1898) was a French/German composer. Symphony No.1, in E flat major I. Allegro maestoso [00:00​] II. Scherzo. Allegro [10:24​] III. Andante. Con moto [15:23​] IV. Finale. Allegro con brio – Moderato assai e Maestoso [23:19​] Performers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...​ Score from: https://imslp.org/wiki/Symphony_No.1%...​) Symphony No.2, Op.1..

Dmitry Bortniansky: Sinfonia concertante in B Flat Major

Dmitry Bortniansky Portrait by Mikhail Belsky (1788) (Dmytro Stepanovych Bortniansky , 28 October 1751–10 October /O.S. 28 September 1825), was a Ukrainian and Russian composer and conductor (he was born in the city of Glukhov (in present-day Ukraine), then a part of the autonomous Cossack Hetmanate within the Russian Empire). Sinfonia concertante in B Flat Major Bortniansky was critical to the ..