♣ 음악 감상실 ♣ 5755

Beethoven : Violin Sonata no.1 in D major op.12-1

Beethoven Violin Sonata no.1 in D major op.12-1 00:00 Violin Sonata no.1 in D major op.12-1: 1. Allegro con brio 06:17 Violin Sonata no.1 in D major op.12-1: 2. Tema con variazioni. Andante con moto 13:43 Violin Sonata no.1 in D major op.12-1: 3. Rondo. Allegro 다비드 오이스트라흐 레프 오보린 [해설]1962 베토벤이 27-28세 때인 1797~1798년 사이에 작곡한 "세 개의 바이올린 소나타"Op.12 중 첫 번째 곡으로, 1799년 출판된 세 곡은 스승이었던 작곡가 살리에리(Antonio Sali..

베토벤 현악 4중주 No.10 E♭장조 op.74 "하프" [ Beethoven String Quartet No.10 in E♭ major op.74 "Harp"]

베토벤- 현악 4중주 No.10 E♭장조 op.74 "하프" [ String Quartet No.10 in E♭ major op.74 "Harp] 00:00 String Quartet No.10 in E♭ major op.74 "Harp": I. Poco Adagio - Allegro 08:35 String Quartet No.10 in E♭ major op.74 "Harp": II. Adagio ma non troppo 18:42 String Quartet No.10 in E♭ major op.74 "Harp": III. Presto IV. Allegretto con Variazioni 아마데우스 콰르텟 1959 "베토벤 현악 4중주 op.74"는 피아노 협주곡 제5번 "Emperor"(황제), 피아노..

Étienne Nicolas Méhul - Symphony No.2, 3

Méhul in 1799, portrait attributed to Antoine-Jean Gros Étienne Nicolas Méhul (French: [meyl]; 22 June 1763 – 18 October 1817) was a French composer of the classical period. He was known as "the most important opera composer in France during the Revolution".He was also the first composer to be called a "Romantic".[2] He is known particularly for his operas, written in keeping with the reforms in..

Justin Heinrich Knecht - Grand Symphony ''Pastoral'' (1785)

Justinus or Justin Heinrich Knecht (30 September 1752 – 1 December 1817) was a German composer, organist, and music theorist. He was born in Biberach an der Riss, where he learnt to play the organ, keyboard, violin, and singing. He attended a Lutheran collegiate institution in Esslingen am Neckar from 1768 to 1771, when he became Lutheran preceptor and music director in Biberach, which was a fre..

My Grandfather's Clock[할아버지 시계]

My Grandfather's Clock "Grand-Father's Clock" was first published in 1876. [추 천]========"My Grandfather's Clock" is a song written in 1876 by Henry Clay Work, the author of "Marching Through Georgia". It is a standard of British brass bands and colliery bands, and is also popular in bluegrass music. The Oxford English Dictionary says the song was the origin of the term "grandfather clock" for a ..

Norbert Burgmüller - Piano Concerto in F-sharp minor, Op.1 (1829)

August Joseph Norbert Burgmüller (8 February 1810 – 7 May 1836) was a German composer. Burgmüller was born in Düsseldorf, the youngest son in a musical family. His father, August Burgmüller, was the director of a theatre. His mother, Therese von Zandt, was a singer and piano teacher. He had two brothers, Franz and Friedrich. Friedrich was also a composer. After the death of their father, the fam..

Johannes Brahms - Double Concerto for violin, cello and orchestra, in a minor, op. 102,

Johannes Brahms (7 May 1833 – 3 April 1897) was a German composer and pianist of the Romantic period. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. His reputation and status as a composer are such that he is sometimes grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the "Three Bs" of music, a comment originally made by..

Frédéric Chopin:Cello Sonata in G Minor, Op.65

프레데리크 프랑수아 쇼팽(프랑스어: Frédéric François Chopin 프헤데힉 프헝수아 쇼팡[*], 1810년 3월 1일 ~ 1849년 10월 17일)은 폴란드의 피아니스트·작곡가이다. “피아노의 시인” 이란 별칭을 가진 쇼팽은 가장 위대한 피아노곡 작곡가 중 하나로 손꼽히며, 조국인 폴란드에서는 가장 존경받는 위인이다. 프레데리크 프랑수아는 그가 20세 때 폴란드를 떠나고 프랑스에서 살게 되었을 때 쓰던 프랑스어 이름이다. 원래 이름은 프리데리크 프란치셰크 쇼펜(폴란드어: Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin)이다. ch는 폴란드어에서는 'h' 발음이 나지만, Chopin은 프랑스계 성씨이기 때문에 '쇼팽'이라고 발음한다. 폴란드어에서는 '쇼팽의'는 'Chopina'로 격변화하게 ..

Nicolo Paganini Complete Works for Violin and Guitar

Nicolo Paganini 니콜로 파가니니(이탈리아어: Niccolò Paganini, 문화어: 니콜로 파가니니, 1782년 10월 27일 ~ 1840년 5월 27일)는 이탈리아 제노바 출신의 바이올린 연주자이자 작곡가이다. 현대의 바이올린 테크닉을 완성하였으며, 초인적인 기교로 당시의 음악계에 충격을 주었고, 뛰어난 바이올리니스트들을 언급할 때, '파가니니의 재래', '21세기의 파가니니' 등과 같은 타이틀을 붙이고 있다. 대표적인 작품으로 무반주 바이올린을 위한 24개의 카프리스, 바이올린 협주곡 1번, 2번 등이 유명하다. Complete Works for Violin and Guitar 1 ===========================================================..