♣ 어학 관련 ♣/- 영화,드라마

위기의 주부들 : Never get away from me-1

Bawoo 2016. 1. 11. 22:09

위기의 주부들 : Never get away from me-1

[출처: http://cafe.daum.net/englishmento/DFgG/87









Now which one is rex's headstone?              
I always forget.              
It's right down this row.              
Oh. Oh, yes.              
That's right.              
Over the years, Bree van de kamp              
had grown increasingly concerned              
over her mother-in-law's forgetfulness.              
Oh, honey, did I forget to take the pins out of that dress?              
Her lapses had become more frequent..              
sweetie, didn't I tell you I was going to paint that chair?              
More glaring..              
oh,dear. Didn't I mention I waxed the floor?              
And more dangerous.              
Yes, bree was worried about phyllis' faulty memory,              
but she was more than happy to remind her,              
especially when it came to the important things.              
So have you given any thought to when you might be ending your visit?              
Have I become a burden?              
Is that what you're saying?              
I was simply asking when you were planning to leave.              
There was no agenda behind the question.              
Oh. I,I don't know.              
Why don't we play it by ear?              
Yes, let's.              
What on earth?              
Oh,my god.              
What happened?              
It looks like someone dug Rex up.              
Well, I got that, but why?              
Why would they do that?              
I don't know.              
unless what?              
Maybe this has something to do with              
that insurance investigator.              
Insurance investigator?              
He came by asking all sorts of questions.              
I don't know what you're talking about, phyllis.              
Maybe you were at the store.              
Anyway, he was very suspicious.              
He has a theory that Rex didn't die of a heart attack.              
He thinks he was poisoned.              
It was in that moment bree could finally see the truth.              
Did I not mention that?              
Her mother-in-law's memory was fine.              
It was her soul that was faulty.