♣ 어학 관련 ♣/- 영화,드라마

위기의 주부들 : Silly People

Bawoo 2016. 1. 24. 23:05

위기의 주부들 : Silly People-

[출처:http://cafe.daum.net/englishmento/DFgG/56 ]









첨부파일 6월드라마훈련(Silly People-3).pdf


첨부파일 (미드)DH-silly people-3.mp3






Hi! Oh, here she is.               
I came as soon as I got your message.               
Is this?               
This is Gary Grantham, your future ex-husband.               
Wow, nice to meet you.               
Okay, listen, um,               
I've got to meet a client. I've got to go,               
so just talk amongst yourselves, and               
you two make a very handsome couple.               
Oh. Yeah.               
Uh, hi.               
So do you wanna get married on Wednesday?               
'Cause Thursday and Friday I'm out of town.               
Oh! Oh, yeah. Sure, that's.. Wednesday's great.               
I'm, I'm just curious..               
how did Edie convince you to do this so quickly?               
Well, she explained your situation to me.               
I'm sort of in need ofa fake bride myself, so I figured,        
what the heck?               
Why would you need a fake bride?               
Uh, I'm gay, and I've never come out to my mother.       
At first, I just didn't want to upset her.               
Then she got older, she got emphysema and diverticulitis,       
and I started thinking, if I just kept my mouth shut,         
then one day nature would take its course and               
we could avoid what is sure to be a very ugly scene.        
So what changed?               
She told me at her 81st birthday party last month,         
the only reason she's hanging on is to see me get married.        
Oh. Oh, so by marrying me..               
Yeah, I'd get my inheritance that much sooner.          
No, but mostly, I wanna make sure she's happy.         
Well, you seem very nice, Susan.               
Uh, it will be a pleasure being married to you.               
Uh, likewise.               
Here, finish the rest of the fries.               
Here's your mail and your pills.          
More pills?               
Miss Tillman?               
Where did this come from?               
I don't know. It was in with your other mail.               
Get me the phone.               
Sullivan, it's me.               
I just got some news, and I need to get you involved.       
Looks like Delfino's been holding out on me.