♣ 어학 관련 ♣/- 영화,드라마

위기의 주부들 : It wasn't meant to happen-2

Bawoo 2016. 1. 28. 23:54

위기의 주부들 : It wasn't meant to happen-2|

 [출처:http://cafe.daum.net/englishmento/DFgG/102 ]






Are you sure she needs that?                     
I just put sunscreen on her.                     
Yes, she needs the bonnet.                     
It completes the outfit.                     
Oh, for God's sakes, Gaby.                     
She's never too young to start accessorizing.              
Besides, all the neighbors are out today,               
and I want them to see how happy we are and wish they were us.             
Uh, the baby's a beauty.                     
We think so, but we're a little biased.                 
Oh, wow, she's got my eyes.                 
Oh, I'm Dale.                     
Dale Helm.                     
I'm the baby's birth father.                 
Uh, well, hi, Dale.                     
Nice to meet you.                     
A lot of people have been looking for you.                     
Yeah, I know, lawyers and stuff.                     
I got kinda held up in Florida longer than I thought.             
Spring break, right?                     
Oh, man, we were wasted 24/7.                     
Then I got the message and just thought my friends were messing with me.            
Those buttwads!                    
Well, it's a good thing he's here.                 
We can take him to the lawyer's office,
and you can sign over full custody to us.  [ have (the) custody of발음 듣기

보관하고 있다; … 보호[감독, 양육]하다[ 의무 있다        
Yeah, uh, the thing about that is, I'm gonna want the baby.                     

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