♣ 어학 관련 ♣/- 영화,드라마

위기의 주부들 : It wasn't meant to happen-3

Bawoo 2016. 1. 31. 21:20

위기의 주부들 : It wasn't meant to happen-3






Come on, you guys.                     
We don't have to make this ugly.                     
You're trying to take our baby!                     
How is it not gonna be ugly?                     
Just keep walking, Gaby.                     
Don't engage him.                     
Listen, Mr. Solis...                     
No, you listen! We were granted custody.                     
If you want her, you talk to the judge.                 
Hey, what is the holdup?                     
They told me I gotta talk to a judge.                     
What the hell are you doing here, Frank?                     
It's his baby. Give it to him!                     
Like hell!                     
Hey, Mrs. Solis, can I see the baby?                     
Dale, just do it already!                     
I'm not just gonna kidnap it.                     
Why not? They did!                     
It is your baby.                     
Just take it!                    
Try it.                     
Get in, you moron.                     
Anyways, it looks like you're doing a good job with her.              
She seems clean.                   
And like I said, we have been very happy here,                     
and I'm sure you will be, too.                     
Well, we just love it.                     
Once the stairs are repaired, I'll show you the basement.              
What's going on?                     
The house just sold.                     
Start packing.                   
Why don't you just put Caleb in an institution?                     
It's where he belongs anyway.                     
My mom would never let strangers take care of him.               
Then why don't you call the police?                     
Then it's not up to her.                     
If I call the police, my mom and I go to jail with Caleb.             
We've been hiding a murderer.                     
Now, look, if we..                     
If we do move, I promise, I will call you every day.              
I don't need a phone buddy.                     
I need a boyfriend!                     
Would you calm down, please?                     
Don't tell me what to do!                     
You know, I could go to the police myself!                     
I just..                     
I love you so much.                     
I would do anything to keep you here.                     

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